Saturday, September 10, 2005

Class Participations

So one of the funniest aspects of attending ISB is the aribitrary class participation in our classes. In fact we have actually named our favorite characters, and it is quite amazing to just listen to them in class. Primarily people actually get into the habit of using jargon, just for the sake of using them, they believe that this will get them mileage in terms of grades. Of course I am only complaining because I seem to never remember jargon, and terms like Operating leverage or network externality could well be in french. I guess then I should just start with our favorite CPs this semester, oh yeah and in the last 2 weeks we actually have had many amazing CPs.

CP King - Our sections CP king is most definitely the most "learned" person in class. Notice the quotes cause he isnt really that knowledgeable but most of the time just banks on people not knowing anything about the subject, and sometimes he does get caught and we usually make sure we snub him when he does

CP for the week: As we all know there are 3 million, no 4 million no! 10 million muslims blah blah blah

My synopsis: As we all know we need to adjust population to the prevailing exchage rate, or maybe inflation who knows... therefor our man was obviously just doing the real-time exchange rate conversion in his head...... :)

CP Queen- OUr CP queen is quite unique, her CP usually last a whole 5-10 mins. It so happens that I usually sleep at the begining of her question and when I wake up she is still talking.... Sp her CP goes as follows "first blah blah blah, secondly blah blah blah blah, thirdly blah blah blah"

It almost seems like she has rehearsed her CP and then just shoots off these rehearsed words of wisom. It so happens many times that she eats away all the possible questions and the other "great CP souls" in our class have to then repeat what she has said to get their points.

Also what I fail to understand is that people end up just talking shit sometimes, even about things that they knwo nothing about. for example we had a presentation yesterday about Cisco and someone asked the person "so what about IPV6, what is cisco's strategy there?"
so our man goes "IPV6 is not really picking up because its linux based so when linux picks up and there are some security issues as well"

I mean come on what does linux have to do with IPV6..... IPV6 is just a new standard which enables a larger connectivity, has nothign to do with security or with linux. (well I could go more technical but then in interest of my sorry finger (typing) I will stop)

Noddy: SO we have a unique character in class. This dude is pretty funny, lets call him "noddy" he has a habit of repeating whatever the professor says and he keeps nodding his head all through the class. Its almost there is a vibrator in his head and anytime he listens to the professor it just gets started..... Now I have been thinking what would he do when his wife yells at him
"you asshole, why did you come home late"
noddy: "yeah asshole why ..... late"
wife : "stop repeating what ever I say"
noddy(while nodding) : "say, sure sure sure"
Well I could go on.... and on about different situations, but you get the picture ;)

So another interesting thing this semester is that, I am sitting next to this dude, who is fucking hillarious.... he has some smart comment or the other whenever some one opens their mouth in class.... I just cant stop laughing.


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