Sunday, June 14, 2009

been 3 years since graduation

wow I cant believe its been 3 years since I graduated from ISB. I feel like I have lost quite a bit of my creativity in the last 3 years. Its a real struggle to start writing again. I keep wondering if this is a result of getting into the "real world" again. Work sucks ass and I cant believe that I am still doing this stuff. Office is filled with useless idiots who don't want to take ownership for anything, its a struggle to get people to own up to their responsibilities. And somehow, the most important thing at work is politics and stakeholder management. WTF?????

I wish I was back into that intellectual crowd, working on value adding activities and responsible people who arent just putting road blocks because they have something stuck up their ass. The corporate world is very different and feels like a prison sometimes. it seems like everyday I try to move 3 steps ahead and end up moving couple of steps back. What a life?


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