Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My Thoughts on Reservations

Well I thought it is time that I spent some of my energy onto the ongoing debate about reservations. So I think reservations are a great way to equalize the inequality, afterall in this day and age this is the only way to ensure that every one regardless of the intellectual caliber can become a doctor, or engineer, or scientist. It is unfair that we have to be treated by great doctors, it is in fact unfair that we have bridges that dont break at the pressure of a birds droppings. It is in fact unfair that we be taught by professors who actually know their stuff. So my suggestions are as follows.

1) The IITs, the IIMs and the ISBs of India, should ensure that the best jobs get distributed on a quota basis to the students at these institutions. 27% reservation for the OBCs shoudl be maintained during placements, 22% should be given to the SCSTs. and the rest should be distributed amongst the "meritorious" crowd.

2) The professors of these institutions shoudl be hired on the basis of caste and creed, ensuring a 27% reservation for the OBC and 22% for SCSTs. SO that we can ensure that our educational system also maintains equal representation. God forbid if we are taught by the most talented professors this country might actually improve. We cant let that happen.

3) We must ensure that US immediately implements 27% reservation and 22% for OBC and SCST respectively, for visa and h1 applications. We must ensure that there is equal representation of caste in other countries as well. We cannot allow just the meritorious to escape the torture of our educational system.

4) The prime ministers post should be donned by an SCST/OBC individual effective immediately. WE must ensure that our top political post is also maintained with no regard to merit. As we have had our share of non SCST/OBC primeministers, we shoudl ensure that it is finally equally represented.

5) We must ensure that every family has a representation of SCST/OBC members so that we can ensure that families too are not based on merit. Effective immediately the goivernment should move children from one family to another so that 22/27% representation in maintained. if families have only 2 members, members of the family should be increased so that the merit category is not reduced (as per the instructions of the honorable prime minister of India Sonia Gandhi oooops or is it Manmohan Singh, I get confused at times)

6) effective immediately India shoudl ensure that all religions are eqully represented, therefore there shall be forced conversions so that this representation can be maintained.

Please the readers of this blog (if there are any) ensure that these points are followed through so that we can become a more inept country. PLEASE..... Let the arjun singh and the manmohan singhs of this world rise up the political ladder so that such actions can be immediately taken

Thanks to the Indian political system that we are able to dream of such possibilities


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Future Shock
Wisdomless Politicians
Meritless Admissions

Meaningless Curriculums
Substance less Examinations

Faculty less Departments
Student less Colleges

VC less Universities
Knowledgeless Society

Developmentless Nation
Into that hell of gloomdom
My Father, let my country
go to Sleep
let my country go to Sleep.....

Poem by BR Natarajan BITS Pilani

6:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Didn't you forget futureless youth???

Sad times in our nations history, truly sad.....

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let the force be with and God give us the power and courage to fight this battle till the end. We cannot afford to lose this battle as this is the most important battle in the life of our times and history should not accuse of being cowards. It's time to show courage to stick to the cause. We need to motivate, encourage and persuade ourselves to the cause of equality and try to campaign actively, everyday, every night and every breath for this cause. Withdrawal of the strike by doctors does not mean anything to the campaign. The campaign will continue till equality is restored in the society. We need to keep the campaign alive and need to ensure that this fight continues for weeks and months till the government and Supreme Court make a case in our favor and abolish all forms of reservation. The fight has to be persistent and continuous and non-violent and there must be no let down and it must gather momentum every day and fall on the government like a huge juggernauting snowball. In a soceity where there is abundance creating quota does not adversely effect the legitmate receivers of benefit. In our country with its meager resources providing quota means harming the legitmate meritorious students. principles and ideals which were on the forefront during independence times have taken back seat with the current parliamentarians. The current breed of parliamentarians work for benefit of themselves and their community. They are unconcerned about their acts adversely effecting huge sections of population. They reinforce their arguments with seemingly irrational arguments. The current media quality has deteriorated to such low standards that emotional and irrational logic are made to sound seeming and reasonable. The need is to continue the agitation till the equality is resotred in democracy. Everyone must do their part in spreading the word and strenghtening the campaign.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Nikhil Kamma said...

Hi, how are doing?? Spoke to Dad the other day...came to know that u might be visiting ISB before leaving for London. Would definitely want to meet u then. Btw, I didn't get ur full name :D

2:37 PM  
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7:11 AM  

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