Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Long time no see

The last month has been extremely hectic, with a drive to perform well in my courses I spent pretty much most of my time studying. Only to realise that "to B or not to B is the only question since A is just not under anyones control, but the TAs" It almost seems junenile to just concentrate on grades at my age, but the Indian in me will never let go of that aspect.So what else have I done in the last one month? well I have shut myself out of all the nonsense that was around here on campus.

Thank god for a very close friend who has been my only escape into the social world. It seems almost useless to talk to anyone else, imaturity and stupidity is so rampant here that its just better not to be a part of it.The second term ended about 2 weeks back, I did have some fun during the term break hanging out with some really cool souls :) drinking and doing things which I rather leave for imagination :) Went out wining and dining in hyderabad, and found that hyderabad is pretty much like bangalore.With the new term starting I have been pretty unenthused, too much reading to do and I have done any.

I just wanna chill I think, I do not want to study!!! :(Well with my b-day approaching, I am gonna be another year older, and farther away from the childhood that I once enjoyed. OH crap


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