Monday, June 13, 2005


Just came back from a gala of a time in bangalore. After the exams it was definitely a much needed break. some of my buddies from ISB came along and we rocked the town, ate some great food in Ebony and partied in Taika.

I even got a chance to visit my old watering hole (TGIF). I just realised that while I frequented TGIF throughout my stay in bangalore, I didnt quite understand why I liked the place so much. It wasnt a place where there were a lot of women, and I didnt really know anyone too well over there, but regardless I frequented it, and sat in the same spot all the time. What i realised during this vacation is that, I really liked the fact that I could talk to the people at TGIF without actually letting them know too much about me, it was one of those "hi, hello, what do you think about that new ad on TV" type conversations. It is also quite interesting that we meet so many different types of people in these bars; the quiet ones who stay to themselves-chugging down kingfisher by the bottle; the loud abnoxious types who pretend to be the preppy type-talking about how much they spent at The Leela (while making sure that they definitely attend the "Happy hours" at TGIF, infact never staying back past the happy hour time). The sober rich ones who refuse to come during happy hours as if it would be almost disgraceful to drink a shot of Chivas for half the price. Really interesting that whatever these people might be they were what made TGIF interesting. Now when I went back I realised that there is a charm to this mundane existance, where we can compartmentalize the essence of a person into some predetermined boxes.

Well so much for my blabber......... was just writing what I thought.

Well now I am back in school and classes have started again. ANother semester on the way...... hopefully better!!!!


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